2022年08月- 至今 上海交通大学环境科学与工程学院,副研究员,博士生导师
2015年11月–2022年7月 江西省大气污染成因与控制重点实验室,副主任(主持工作)/副研究员、研究员
2021年04月–2021年05月 印度尼西亚中印园区,生态环境专家
2019年09月–2020年08月 美国迈阿密大学海洋与大气科学学院,访问学者
2011年07月–2015年11月 中国科学院热带海洋与环境国家重点实验室,助理研究员
发表论文 80余篇
[01] Hong-Wei Xiao, Dong-Yang Mao, Li-Lei Huang, Hua-Yun Xiao*, Jing-Feng Wu, 2021. Evaluation of black carbon source apportionment based on one year's daily observations in Beijing. Science of the Total Environment, doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.145668.
[02] Luo, Li., Zhu, R.G., Song, C.B., Peng, J.F., Guo, W., Liu, Y.H., Zheng, N.J., Xiao, H.W.*, Xiao, H.Y.*, 2020. Changes in nitrate accumulation mechanisms as PM2.5 levels increase on the North China Plain: A perspective from the dual isotopic compositions of nitrate. Chemosphere, doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.127915.
[03] Xiao, H.W., Wu, J.F., Luo, L., Liu, C., Xie, Y.J., Xiao, H.Y., 2020. Enhanced biomass burning as a source of aerosol ammonium over cities in central China in autumn. Environmental Pollution, doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2020.115278.
[04] Xiao, H.W., Zhu, R.G., Pan, Y.Y., Guo, W., Zheng, N.J., Liu, Y.H., Liu, C., Zhang, Z.Y., Wu, J.F., Kang, C.A., Luo, L., Xiao, H.Y., 2020. Differentiation between nitrate aerosol formation pathways in a southeast Chinese city by dual isotope and modeling studies. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres doi: 10.1029/2020JD032604.
[05] Xiao, H.W., Luo, L., Zhu, R.G., Guo, W., Long, A.M., Wu, J.F., Xiao, H.Y., 2020. Enhanced primary production in the oligotrophic South China Sea related to Southeast Asian forest fires. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans doi: 10.1029/2019JC015663.
[06] Luo, L., Pan, Y.Y., Zhu, R.G., Zhang, Z.Y., Zheng, N.J., Liu, Y.H., Liu, C., Xiao, H.W., Xiao, H.Y., 2020. Assessment of the seasonal cycle of nitrate in PM2.5 using chemical compositions and stable nitrogen and oxygen isotopes at Nanchang, China. Atmospheric Environment doi: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2020.117371.
[07] Zhu, R.G., Xiao, H.Y., Lv, Z., Xiao, H., Zhang, Z.Y., Zheng, N.J., Xiao, H.W., 2020. Nitrogen isotopic composition of free Gly in aerosols at a forest site. Atmospheric Environment doi: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2019.117179.
[08] Guo, W., Zhang, Z.Y., Zheng, N.J., Luo, L., Xiao, H.Y., Xiao, H.W., 2020. Chemical characterization and source analysis of water-soluble inorganic ions in PM2. 5 from a plateau city of Kunming at different seasons. Atmospheric Research 234:1-10.
[09] Guo, W., Long, C.K., Zhang, Z.Y., Zheng, N.J., Xiao, H.Y., Xiao, H.W., 2020. Seasonal Control of Water-Soluble Inorganic Ions in PM2.5 from Nanning, a Subtropical Monsoon Climate City in Southwestern China. Atmosphere 11: doi:10.3390/atmos11010005.
[10] Luo, L., Zhang, Y.Y., Xiao, H.Y., Xiao, H.W., Zheng, N.J., Zhang, Z.Y., Xie, Y.J., Liu, C., 2019. Spatial Distributions and Sources of Inorganic Chlorine in PM2.5 across China in Winter. Atmosphere 10: doi:10.3390/atmos10090505.
[11] Xiao, H.W., Xiao, H.Y., Luo, L., Zhang, Z.Y., Huang, Q.W., Sun, Q.B., Zeng, Z.Q., 2018. Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope compositions of bulk aerosol samples over the South China Sea. Atmospheric Environment 193:1-10.
[12] Xiao, H.W., Xiao, H.Y., Shen, C.Y., Long, A.M., 2018. Chemical Composition and Sources of Marine Aerosol over the Western North Pacific Ocean in Winter. Atmosphere 9: doi:10.3390/atmos9080298.
[13] Xiao, H.W., Xiao, H.Y., Luo, L., Shen, C.Y., Long, A.M., Chen, L., Long, Z.H., Li, D.N., 2017. Atmospheric aerosol compositions over the South China Sea: Temporal variability and source apportionment. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 17: 3199-3214.
[14] Liu, X.Y.#, Xiao, H.W.#(共一), Xiao, H.Y., Song, W., Sun, X.C., Zheng, X.D., Liu, C.Q., Koba, K., 2017. Stable isotope analyses of precipitation nitrogen sources in Guiyang, southwestern China. Environmental Pollution 230: 486-494.
[15] Xiao, H.W., Xie, L.H., Long, A.M, Ye, F., Pan, Y.P., Li, D.N., Long, Z.H., Chen, L., Xiao, H.Y., Liu, C.Q. 2015. Use of isotopic compositions of nitrate in TSP to identify sources and chemistry in South China Sea. Atmospheric Environment 109:70-78.
[16] Xiao, H., Xiao, H., Long, A., Liu, C. 2015. δ15N-NH4+ variations of rainwater: application of the Rayleigh model. Atmospheric Research 157:49-53.
[17] Xiao, H., Xiao, H., Long, A., Wang, Y., Liu, C. 2014. Sources and meteorological factors that control seasonal variation of δ34S values in rainwater. Atmospheric Research 149,154-165.
[18] Xiao, H.W., Xiao, H.Y., Long, A.M., Wang, Y.L., Liu, C.Q. 2013. Chemical composition and source apportionment of rainwater at Guiyang, SW China. Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry 70:269-281.
[19] Xiao, H.W., Xiao, H.Y., Long, A.M., Wang, Y.L. 2012. Who controls the monthly variations of NH4+ nitrogen isotope composition in precipitation?. Atmospheric Environment 54: 201-206.
[20] 肖扬宁,肖红伟,陈振平,黄莉磊,马艳,李智滔,冷泉,金学武,肖化云,2022. 玉龙雪山PM2.5稳定碳同位素特征及来源分析. 中国环境科学DOI:10.19674/j.cnki.issn1000-6923.20220129.011.
[21] 艾文强,肖红伟,孙启斌,张永运,张泽雨,李静雯,2021. 氮氧同位素示踪南昌秋冬季降水NO3-来源及其贡献. 中国环境科学41(9):4043-4050.
[22] 黄莉磊,肖红伟,毛东阳,曾梓琪,伍作亭,朱仁果,2021. 中国南方乡村黑碳稳定同位素特征及来源解析——以江西于都为例. 中国环境科学41(2):566-573
[23] 毛东阳,肖红伟,肖化云,曾梓琪,黄莉磊. 2020. 西南背景区冬夏季黑碳稳定碳同位素组成及来源. 地球化学 (已接收).
[24] 曾梓琪,肖红伟,毛东阳,伍作亭,黄启伟,龙爱民. 2020. 西北太平洋冬季气溶胶中稳定碳同位素组成特征. 环境科学学报 40: 2384-2390.
[25] 曾梓琪,肖红伟,黄启伟,肖浩. 2019. 南昌市PM2.5中稳定碳同位素组成特征. 地球化学5: 303-310.
[26] 黄启伟,曾凡萍,肖红伟,曾梓琪,孙启斌. 2019. 萍乡市春节前后空气质量及气溶胶的碳、氮同位素组成特征. 矿物岩石地球化学通报 38: 114-120.
[28] 孙启斌,肖红伟,肖化云,张忠义. 2017. 南昌市大气降水化学特征及来源分析. 环境科学研究 30: 1841-1848.
[28] 肖红伟,肖化云,张忠义,王燕丽,龙爱民,刘丛强. 2016. 西沙永兴岛大气降水化学特征及来源分析. 中国环境科学 36: 3237-3244.
[29] 肖红伟,龙爱民,谢露华,肖化云,刘丛强. 2014. 中国南海大气降水化学特征. 环境科学 35(4) ,475-480.
[30] 肖红伟,龙爱民,孙羚晏. 2013. 珠江口磨刀门溶解有机物 CDOM 三维荧光光谱特征. 海洋科学 37(7): 41-46.
[31] 肖红伟, 肖化云, 龙爱民, 王燕丽. 2012. 贵阳地区大气降水中 δ15N-NO3-组成及来源分析. 环境科学学报 32(4): 940-945.
[32] 肖红伟, 肖化云, 龙爱民, 王燕丽. 2011. 贵阳大气降水硫同位素地球化学特征. 地球化学 40(6): 559-565.
[33] 肖红伟, 肖化云, 王燕丽, 唐从国, 刘学炎. 2010. 典型污染城市 9d 连续大气降水化学特征: 以贵阳市为例. 环境科学 31(4): 865-870.
[34] 肖红伟,肖化云,王燕丽. 2010. 贵阳大气降水化学特征及来源分析. 中国环境科学(012): 1590-1596.
[35] 肖红伟, 肖化云, 唐从国, 刘学炎, 刘丛强, 林碧娜. 2010. 贵阳地区氨排放量估算. 地球与环境38(1): 21-25.
一种测定水中溶解性有机碳和溶解性总氮同位素比值的方法. 201911419100.7.
关于加强我省大气污染过程研究与应对施策的建议. 九三学社江西省委员会2020年参政议政课题A类立项.